Customer Testimonials

I got a water machine for my home

" I’d been purchasing bottled water from Tesco for years because of how awful the tap water tasted. We decided that because I only tend to drink water, we would purchase a water machine. Not knowing what to look for, we searched the web and came across express water coolers. They had lots of different water machines so I decided to give them a call to help me find a machine suitable for my kitchen. A gentleman by the name of Daniel answered the phone and was very helpful. He helped me choose the perfect machine for my kitchen counter. Because I’m disabled, I wasn’t able to install it myself so Daniel arranged an installation for me. A lovely chap came to install the water machine for me. He was very respectful of me and my property and helped me decide where the best place for the machine would be. He plumbed in the machine and cleared up after himself. The kitchen looked cleaner than it was when he arrived, bless him. I've recommended express water coolers to all my friends and family. "
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