Customer Testimonials

Fast delivery. Great service. Would recommend.

" I’d seen an ad on Facebook and decided my family could benefit from a Water cooler. We were spending a good chunk of money on bottled water each week. I had a look on their website and found a water cooler I liked, Alpha 1 Ii think it’s called. Ordered it along with an installation kit and a blue water filter. It was free delivery which was a bonus. It arrived the same week, about 3 days I think. I decided I would plumb it in myself with the install kit. Took me about an hour and half to install myself, mainly because I wanted the small pipe hidden so I had to drill some holes. The installation kit made it super simple to install. Over all, we are very pleased with the water cooler. It chills down perfect and doesn’t seem to use much electricity which I was surprised by. The water is cold, and tastes pretty awesome. It’s amazing what a water cooler and filter can do to the taste of horrible tap water. The money we’re saving from not having to buy bottled water each week is fantastic. "
Mike B
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