Why pregnant women should drink more water

by Daniel | Posted in Health | No comments yet. | 7059 views on this post

Pregnant Lady Drinking Water​Why pregnant women should drink more water

It is a generally established fact that drinking plenty of water throughout the day and keeping yourself hydrated is very important to maintain a healthy functioning body. Water is necessary to keep everything smoothly moving in the body from the blood circulation to bowel movements. The human brain is made up of 75% water and so not having enough fluid intake can seriously affect its performance. Drinking less water than your body needs can lead to problems like poor focus, lethargy, dizziness, constipation etc. For pregnant women it’s even more important to consider the problems that can arise due a lack of water intake.

We have discussed some issues that you need to keep in mind if you are a mother-to-be or know someone who is expecting.

The Risk of Dehydration

Dehydration can be a major problem for anyone in general but for pregnant women, it’s even more important to stay hydrated. Dehydration in pregnant women can quickly become a serious issue. When pregnant, your body requires more water intake than usual. This is vital for the healthy growth of your baby.

Water helps form the placenta and amniotic fluids in your body. The placenta is what your baby relies on for nutrients needed for growth and the amniotic fluids create a deep pool which is needed to nestle the baby in.

Pregnant women have a common problem of constipation and dizziness, which can become worse with dehydration. Therefore, it is very important that you stay hydrated during your pregnancy or it can create serious health problems for you and your baby.

Urinary Tract Infections

When you’re expecting, you’re not only eating and drinking for two but have to pee and poop for two as well. Without enough water intake toxins in the body do not get flushed out properly. This can lead to constipation as discussed above but also when the toxins stay in the bladder for too long, it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. These bacteria can then cause urinary tract infections as well as bladder infections and kidney infections too. To avoid this you must drink plenty of water, around 10-12 glasses or 3 liters of water every day as recommended. This will make sure that all toxins from your body get flushed out speedily and you maintain a healthy bladder and body.

Fatigue, Overheating and Swelling

Pregnant women become less tolerant to heat and their body temperature can rise without proper hydration necessary to keep the body cool. Overheated body is dangerous for the growth of the baby as well as the mother-to-be. Fatigue and excessive swelling during pregnancy can also become a problem for you if you are not having enough water to drink. An ample flow of fluids in your body is necessary to keep the fatigue at bay and to flush out the sodium from your system that causes the excessive swelling or edema around ankles and feet.

We hope this blog helped you understand better why pregnant women are advised to drink more water.

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